Building a Blog

#rust #axum #blog-meta
Time to read: 23m

I read a lot of technical blogs. I love reading about how people make interesting, and often complex software.

Two of my favourite blogs are from Xe Iaso and Amos/Fasterthanlime, and their articles on how they made their blogs were what made me realise how interesting the project would be.

The Stack


I really like Rust. In fact, I'm lucky enough to be employed writing rust (in a job that doesn't involve crypto currency! a true rarity), as such I'm pretty well acquainted with its ecosystem.

I have my critiques of the language (HKTs when?) but for my preferences it sits in a very happy position, giving me good performance whilst also having a rigorous ML Inspired type system.

Whilst I doubt any post I make will ever require huge throughput capabilities, the fact that Rust was designed to make concurrency easy makes it a very attractive platform for web applications, especially when its main contender is Go.

Web Application Frameworks

I have a good amount of experience using Hyper, and previously used Actix at university for a project.

I had issues with Actix, namely the really bad compile times, I'm unsure if this was resolved at a later point, but it soured my opinion of the framework. Along with this, it also makes heavy usage of the Actor model, which I do not enjoy for web frameworks.

I have in the past made little toys using Warp and Rocket, but each of them has its issues. Warp encodes all routes into types, whilst a really cool idea, it makes compile times really bad, and also gives you HUGE error messages. Rocket, on the other hand, looked promising but also seems to mostly be maintained by a single person at this point, which does not instill confidence.

As a result, I have opted to use Axum for this project. Axum is pretty neat, in that it was designed to make heavy use of the tower ecosystem for its middleware, which makes it surprisingly composable. Axum is also one of the few Rust WAFs that I've seen not use macros for its routing, instead opting for relatively plain structs.


Rust has a fair few templating libraries. I previously used Ructe, which is a compiled templating language for Rust. It's really fast, it compiles your templates into native code and serves them out of memory. This is awesome, however, the templating language itself leaves a lot to be desired.

All of your templates have to be annotated with types, which is just a bit gross, and the templates end up looking like a lovecraftian mix of Rust and HTML, as an example.

@(params: &[(&str, usize)], title: &str)
<!doctype html>
        <title> @title </title>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <h1> @title </h1>
        @for p in params {
            <li> @p </li>

Also annoyingly, it means we're leaving the nice and cozy rust editing context, and entering my less cozy, more pointy-angle-bracket-filled world of .html files, it's also somewhat brittle and not particularly composable.

It's rather well-known that Rust has pretty good support for macros. After reading around and looking at some other rust-based blogs, I stumbled upon Maud.

Maud is a My little pony joke HTML template engine for Rust, that is implemented as a procedural macro. This means that it embeds a templating DSL that maps to HTML within rust itself!

This is great because it means that rust-analyzer works with it, and our templates are "just normal rust functions" that return some `Markup``` type.

The same template can be implemented in maud as

use maud::{DOCTYPE, html, Markup}
pub async fn head(title: String) -> Markup {
    html! {
        meta charset="utf-8";
        title { (title) }
        h1 { (title) }
        ul {
            @for p in params {
                li { (p) }

Maud also eschews "partials" like in other templating languages, and favours function composition, letting us re-write the above in a much nicer way!

use maud::{DOCTYPE, html, Markup}
pub async fn head(title: String) -> Markup {
    html! {
        meta charset="utf-8";
        title { (title) }

pub async fn body(params: Vec<String>) -> Markup {
    html! {
        ul {
            @for p in params {
                li { (p) }

pub fn page(title: String, params: Vec<String>) -> Markup {
        // Add the header
        // append a <h1> </h1> with the title
        h1 { (title) }
        // Add the body

Oh, and because it's a macro, just like with Ructe the templates get compiled to native code so still run stupidly fast.


I don't want to be writing my prose as HTML. Thankfully markdown is a very well-supported format these days (I blame Reddit), and there's a very nice and ergonomic parser library in the form of Comrak.

Comrak is a fantastic library, it was able to parse any markdown I threw at it, from tables, to code blocks and even skip over the YAML frontmatter that my posts start with!

The latter part was especially important, this document starts with a big block of YAML which contains various metadata about this blogpost. As a concrete example, this was the yaml at the time of writing.

title: Building a Blog
slug: buildingablog
started: 2023-04-16
published: 9999-12-31
tags: [rust, axum, blog-meta]

As you can see, the blog title (at the top of the page), the slug (what the route for this specific post is), when I started writing it, when it's set to be published, and finally, what tags this post has.

Some of this has little use at the time of writing (The distinction between started/published doesn't matter, and the tags are not displayed), but it leaves me room for further development which is nice.

On the subject of YAML, by choosing rust for this project I get to use the wonderful serde crate for Serializing and Deserializing data. serde is heavyweight, but it is incredibly powerful. 95% of the time you throw a #[derive(Deserialize)] annotation on a structure, and serde will create the deserializer automagically, now it's up to you to just give the what-you're-deserializing-from function a string containing your metadata.

Unfortunately, as mentioned earlier, the YAML is frontmatter. That means it's in band signalling. To get around this, all of the yaml is "fenced" at the start of the file with a ---. The code that extracts this is a rather ugly, but it's replicated here in case you're interested.

fn new(content: &str) -> Result<FrontMatter, PostParseError> {
    let matches: Vec<_> = content.match_indices("---").collect();
    if matches.is_empty() {
    } else if matches.len() == 1 {
    } else {
        let start = (matches[0].0) + 3; // Skip over the first 3 ---
        let end = matches[1].0;
        let slice = &content[start..end].to_string();
        info!("{}", slice);
        match serde_yaml::from_str(slice) {
            Ok(x) => Ok(x),
            Err(e) => {
                error!("{}", e);

There are probably better ways to solve this problem, but I wrote this code at 11PM and Just Wanted It Done ™️. The one downside of this, is that it will always use the first two sets of ---, but that's unlikely as by convention the first thing in any of these markdown documents is the yaml frontmatter.

Honestly this whole section exists as a test case for this horrible parsing code, so thank you dear reader for participating.


I've used a lot of configuration languages in the past, ranging from the venerable .ini, to json-as-config (please do not do this) and even emacs lisp. For this project, I wanted to try out a configuration language that I'd read a lot about, but never used. That language is Dhall.

Dhall has many features that make it attractive, it's programmable but explicitly not Turing complete (That is, it is Total), it's strongly typed, and makes use of Semantic Hashing to ensure that refactors are behaviour preserving.

All of this makes it easy to ensure that configuration related outages are much more difficult, providing a similar "if it compiles it works" guarantee to Haskell or Rust.

All of this is powered by the serde_dhall crate which allows us to directly serialise or deserialise our config files to rust structs, without a go-between in the form of yaml or json.

Build system

I fell for the reproducibility ambush and now I'm cursed to use NixOS. Well, it's less of a curse and more of a monkey's paw.

For those of you not in the know, Nix is a pure functional, declarative package manager and build system. By using Nix and Nix Flakes you can create a rather easy to use (in the dwarf fort kind of way) hermetic build system.

A deep dive into Nix is beyond the scope of this article, but is something I intend to write in the near future.

As a result of using Nix, I chose to use Naersk as the build system for this project. Naersk is a rust build system for Nix. It's simple to use, providing a sane default flake that Just Builds Stuff ™️. It is slightly more limited than other rust builders available for nix (such as Crane) in that it does not support cross-compilation. This is not an issue for this use-case as the binary will be running on x86_64.

Naersk works well, the current build script is rather simple, compiling the rust binary, and using symlinkJoin to link in the static content (CSS) to create a final Derivation.

This was my first experience using Naersk in anger, and it was an enjoyable experience. It was simple to use, and very easy to compose into a larger derivation.

Design Decisions

Software Design

In order to keep the codebase somewhat simple, all posts are stored in a Vec and iterated until the passed in slug is matched. This means that morally, all posts are stored in a linked list.

Some of you might have just recoiled in horror, but this was an intentional design decision. The load characteristics of a blog are somewhat unique in that a vast amount of traffic is directed at the most recent post. This means that if we optimise for this case, we can keep the code for loading a page very simple whilst also being very performant in most cases!

Speaking of storing posts, Initially I had planned on only reading the posts once, at application startup. This would be great, because it would be pure after startup. On the other hand, it would require restarting the server every time a new post was written!

In order to get around this, initially I just threw a tokio::sync::Mutex on it, however after thinking about it for a bit, I realised that it would result in mutex contention when reading posts which we really do not want! As a consequence I discovered tokio::sync::RwLock which allows N many threads to read from a resource, but only one to write. This is a perfect fit for our use case!

Of course, this necessitates a way to trigger a refresh of the posts. In order to handle this, a very simple, single REST endpoint was created that takes a token. If that token matches what was generated by the server on startup, it will refresh. This is an incredibly simple authentication method, but it is acceptable as the worst case is that someone could trigger a DoS if they worked out the token.

Out of interest, I profiled the memory usage by using heaptrack. Serving the homepage, the post list, and then this post resulted in a peak memory usage of 1.1MiB, which is pretty good all things considered.

Web Design

At my day job, I'm a backend/embedded engineer, and any front-end devs in the are probably laughing at how obvious that statement is given the design here.

I'm not a web developer. My HTML and CSS knowledge is mostly limited to what I picked up throughout a CS Degree. This means I know enough to know I know nothing.

As such, this website uses minimal HTML and CSS, and all dynamic parts of the site (as of writing this) are done server-side and templated out. I know that server-side rendering is somewhat passé in the era of Angular/React/Vue etc, and at some point, I endeavour to learn them, but for something "simple" like this blog, it seemed rather overkill.

With all that said then, it should come as no surprise to most readers that over the course of writing this whole project, I learned quite a bit of "modern" and "new" (to me at least) CSS and HTML tricks!

A list of New To Me web stuff.

Oh, and lest I forget, the colours of this site are based on the fantastic Horizon colourscheme. I use a modified version of this theme in Doom Emacs which is the Text Editor I wrote all of this in!

But why do this?

It's funny, one of the first questions I got asked when i mentioned to some of my friends that I was building my own blog was "why not just use a SSG".

The answer Is that firstly, I wanted to learn. I love messing with new tools that I've not used before, and this was a great opportunity to do that, and secondly, I'd already tried a few SSGs but didn't really like any of them.

I'm glad I chose this path, since it's resulted in me using a lot of tools that otherwise would have passed me by.

The Future

Right now, all of this prose was written in Markdown. Whilst I don't mind markdown, and everyone seems to use it, it's not my preferred "fancy plain text" format. As such, I'm planning on converting the blog to run off of org-mode files.

There are no parsers for org-mode that are as good as Comrak is for markdown, and so undertaking this will be a challenge, especially as org-mode files, like the editor they were designed for, are a far larger specification to implement than Markdown.

As such, if I do decide to undertake this, it will probably become a blog series!

Another thing I'd like to implement at some point is Socratic Dialogue. I really enjoy it as a style of writing, especially for explanatory and exploratory writing.

Implementing this will probably be somewhat complex, as there is no support for it in markdown or org-mode by default. As such, I will probably end up writing an Extension for Comrak, or baking it into my homebrew org-mode parser.

I'm also a Habitual RSS user (In 2023? I know!), and as such I would like to implement RSS support.

It would also be good to actually collect some metrics (Just simple ones like how many times each post has been read etc), nothing GDPR worthy.

If you want to keep track of progress, the repository of this site is available here

While Writing This

I hope for this to become a recurring feature in all my blog posts.



Pink by Kofra and Costa Rica El Perezoso Natural. Clever Dripper. 20 clicks on Commandante C40 MK4.