Small blog and personal update

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Small blog update

Just a small post to say that tags now work on the blog! Hopefully you should be able to click the #blog-meta text at the top of this post and be whisked away to all of my other writings about how the proverbial vegan sausage is made.

As for now, this isn't super useful, but hopefully as the blog grows it will pay off.

Along with this, I've made a few small changes to the blog's CSS, mostly to fix uneven padding on headings which felt a bit stilted at lower resolutions and mobile devices.

Personal update

I was part of a layoff at my previous employer, so for the next 3 or so weeks I'm between jobs! If you need a rust contractor for the next 2 weeks give me a shout! Hopefully this will give me enough time to finish up some of my unfinished posts, and write up some of the interesting bits i'm currently working on!
